It's just as well I like my own company or I'd be either stir crazy or lonely by now. I'm in Anacortes, looking after my mom who just had a knee replacement. Actually, I'm not really looking after her since she's in a care facility, getting physical therapy, medication and food daily.
My tasks involve visiting a couple times a day, walking the dogs and washing her shirts and undies. Not too time intensive, hence the need to like myself.
It's a strange sensation to be in a place for more than a few days where you're a relative unknown. My mom's friends have become very dear to me, so I know if desperation really set in I'd be looked after. As it is, Betty has had me over to dinner a few times and Ann invited me to celebrate Chinese New Year with them at a Chinese restaurant. And I talk to Goddy daily, usually a few times.
He was up here for a few days early in the month, so we made a few memories even though it was just a mini-vacation.
Still, its not quite like being in my own world, within touching distance of those I love best.
A positive thing has occurred though. I'm so afraid of becoming inert inside the house that I explore daily with the dogs. We've walked by the bay, on the beach and around Washington Park. Poor Murphy hasn't walked this much in years! Either has Henry, come to think of it. The park has become my favorite. There are long views out to the Sound and the Olympic Mountains, and the water sparkles, even in the shadow of the islands. I'm reminded that this is a place of my childhood, of memories and moments that awakened my love of being outside.
The fact that it's nearly 60 degrees here and sunny with spring flowers everywhere doesn't hurt the effect either! I'm thinking I could live here. Oops, forgot - to live someplace you have to work. Hmm...not a lot of sheep, cows or horses in the neighborhood.
I feel a bit silly driving around with the snow tires on the truck; I feel like a big sign "We live in snow country, most years except this one" would be appropriate. I'm glad Mom has a nice car to drive!
And I'm looking forward to Sunday dinner with Betty tonight.