My grandson, Rowan, recently started walking. He appears to have accomplished this task with no hesitation, embarrassment at his wobblies or concern that he might tip over at any time. I would do well to be inspired by that.
I've thought about yabbering on a blog for a while, and our recent trip back home to New Zealand, and Rowan's walking, are the impetus for starting now.
Who knows where Rowan's steps will lead him. Who knows what adventures lie ahead that I'll be blessed to be part of. Who knows? The One who numbered the hairs on Rowan's head and who knows the plans He has for me. Care to join us?
I have spent a few minutes looking over your blog postings. I had no idea you had done that. Also, I like the idea of using the time clocks, as you and Kiley are doing. Now I can see what they are doing if and when I decide to make that Skype call.
I see that you write. What do you write? Children's, memoirs, poetry??? When I was fifty years old, I decided it was time to record my life, as a gift, when I finish the story, to give to my three children to let them know that I really did, once upon a time, have a childhood. I was a school kid, a teenager, a young mother and wife, etc.
My experiences are much different from theirs, because I grew up well before the electronic age, when the most sophisticated electronic gadget I ever used was an electronic typewriter.
Glad I stumbled across your blog.
Judy Johnson
I freelance for the Sisters Nugget newspaper, and aspire to bigger markets too. And one day I'll get a memoir done of our years in New Zealand.
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