Our boys embraced the hat thing, none more so than Evan. New hats were more coveted than most anything and I wish I had some photos to post of him in some of his early headgear. Favorites were various cricket hats and what we called "flap hats". I think they're"legionnaire" hats over here. They have a flap that covers the neck. Smart when the sun is beating down.
One year we bought new flap hats to go with the new shorts the boys wore to the local fair (which we called 'The Show', short for Agricultural and Pastoral Society Show.) It was the place we exhibited our cattle and it rated new outfits every year for the youngsters. They were very stylish, and sensibly attired, that year. Too bad it rained on show day. I had to go back to the farm and get sweaters and raincoats. Oh, well.
Evan continued his hat-wearing habit when we moved to Oregon. Except in the US, one isn't expected to remove hats upon entering a room. Good news for people who are sensitive about their hat hair. Not that Evan was or is...
So it was a surprise to Evan, and several others, when he attended his first Ford Family Foundation Scholarship conference and Mrs. Ford demanded that all the young men remove their hats while in her presence. They never knew when she'd show up so the hats ended up languishing in suitcases.
Evan has developed into a man so comfortable with himself that he can get away with wearing outrageous garments. I envy that trait, most of the time. There was one instance, when we were in a dodgy part of Atlanta, where I wished he hadn't chosen to wear his tartan shorts . The hat was fine though.
We enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner this year at Evan and Crystal's home. They have a true gift of hospitality, and Evan is handy in the kitchen. But no gathering would be complete without a hat, and here's Evan's latest offering...
So it's hats on to you, son. You're a winner in all categories!
Do you still have those tartan shorts?
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